Thursday, July 8, 2010

World Press 世界報道写真展 2010

今年是第二年看世界報道写真展。 還記得第一年去看的時候感觸很深, 看到戰爭報導的照片覺得我們真的是身在福中不知福。 今年也是在恵比寿的東京都写真美術館, 所以在噗浪上看到猴子的提醒,當個週末就跑去了。


其實很多照片在網路上都有, 不過現場放大看起來就比較有魄力。 想要到現場看展覽的就不要繼續看下去了, 因為有雷!! 我把自己喜歡的幾張轉放上來了。

據我所知,這個展覽在澳洲跟台灣都是免費入場的。 不過日本一般門票是 700日幣一張。

因為馬克也有興趣, 所以只好週末去了。 還是跟去年一樣人好多啊。 而且我也忘記帶我的散光眼鏡去...所以標題描述類的我都要靠近一點才看的到。


雖然我不喜歡照人像,不過我很愛這張。表情很neutural, 很自然,不彆扭。 這種反而更難照吧。


>Annie van Gemert, the Netherlands.

Before they reach puberty, some boys and girls can appear androgynous. The photographer took portraits of young people between the ages of six and 18 over a period of five years, with the aimof challenging viewers’ perceptions of gender definitions.
“有些男孩跟女孩的外表在踏入青春期前是很難分別出性別。 這位攝影師花了五年,拍了一系列6歲到18歲的人像, 挑戰大家分辨性別的能力。”


>Jérôme Bonnet, France, for Libération.

Mohand Dendoune was born in 1928 in Algeria, at the time a French colony, but has lived in France since the 1950s. He worked first as a manual laborer, later with Renault and then as a gardener at a hospital. Together with his wife and first children, he lived for some time in a small room in the suburbs, later moving to a larger apartment and raising a family of nine. He has never taken out French nationality.

“Mohand Dendoune於 1928年出生在阿爾及利亞 - 當時的法國殖民地。 不過從50年代一直住在法國。他一開始是個體力勞動者,後來與雷諾在醫院然當一個園丁。與他的妻子和第一個孩子,在郊區的一個小房間住了一段時間,後來搬到一個大房子,並且家庭成員也增加為9個。他從來沒有被奪去法國國籍。”


>Kent Klich, Sweden.

Gaza photo album
Light enters through a hole in the roof of a house hit by a tank shell in Tuffah, northern Gaza. The family that lived in the house had fled during
Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli attack on Gaza that began at the end of December 2008. Mohammed Shuhada Ali Ahmed, 39, had gone back to fetch clothes for his children and was killed when the shell struck.
“在圖法,加沙北部的一間房子,光線從被坦克砲彈擊中的屋頂進入。2008年12月底以色列對加沙的攻擊開始,住在這裡的家庭行在動期中逃離,。Mohammed Shuhada Ali Ahmed 39歲,為了他的孩子回到家裡取衣服的時候被坦克攻擊而喪命。”

>Tommaso Ausili, Italy, SIME.

Slaughterhouses in Umbria, Italy. Neatly packaged meat in supermarkets is often completely detached in consumers’ minds from the process of its production.
“翁布里亞,意大利的屠宰場。 消費者對肉的印象通常都是超級市場包裝精美的肉,完全脫離現實的生產過程。”


>Francesco Giusti, Italy.

Sapeur Christian Dior, of Pointe-Noire.
The Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes (Society of Entertainers and Elegant People, SAPE), in Congo-Brazzaville, dates back to the 1920s and 1930s when privileged Congolese returned stylishly dressed from visits to Paris. Members of the SAPE, known as Sapeurs, see themselves as artists and often have nicknames and distinguishing gestures or poses. Some have celebrity status.
“社會藝人和優雅的人,SAPE,在剛果布拉柴維爾,特權可以追溯到20世紀 20年代和30年代穿著流行的剛果人從巴黎返回剛果。 SAPE的成員,被稱為 Sapeurs,認為自己是藝術家,常常有綽號和特別手勢或姿勢。有些還有名人的地位。”


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